Buzz Buzz Beez

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Crew Changes

At the bar we go to there is a new piano player, a middle-aged woman who bears a striking resemblance to current day Terri Garr. She is very talented but never seems to remember who we are, even after we have talked with her several nights in a row and introduced ourselves. She also has an endearing habit of introducing songs by saying she is going to be putting a new spin on it, and then playing an identical version of the original recording. “This next song was originally sung by Peggy Lee, but I've done a little something different with it so I hope you'll be able to recognize it,” she'll apologize, and then launch into a spot on rendition of “Fever.” There is also a new DJ, whose playing style can only be described as Gay Bar Mitzvah, with a lot of Techno and line dances. We're slowly but surely adjusting to our new friends, but I guess it's a good example of the transitory nature of life on the sea.


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