Buzz Buzz Beez

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Asserting Myself

On Monday night we went to see the Song and Dance extravaganza again. I have begun to see this show as my time for thoughtful reflection. It acts as a reset button for me and helps me get into the proper mindset for the week ahead.

We went to the mall in Port Canaveral again and ended up seeing “Crash.” (As a side note, only Paul, Sue, and I saw the movie. Paul and Sue told me that Beth didn't go because she had struck up a friendship with a man she met at the mall. They said he was shopping for a gift for his mother and asked Beth, who was the same size as his mother, to try a shirt on for him. Beth ended up liking the shirt so much that she bought it too, and they had decided to go to Barnes and Noble's together. Sue said the guy was very nice, in his late thirties, lived in a warehouse, and owned a boat that he invited them to go on some time. I only found out that this was a WEB OF LIES when Beth expressed confusion when I hugged her at dinner and said, “I'm so glad you weren't murdered” and then later when I asked her about the guy point blank). Anyway, “Crash” was very good, marred only by the running commentary of the various elderly people in the audience and the dispatches from the walkie-talkies of the ushers during the last fifteen minutes. We complained to the manager afterwards and got rain tickets for a future movie! This gesture made me drunk with power, and I'm already plotting my next complaint that will garner me free movie tickets.

Also, the Tri's and Bi's guy was on the bus back to the boat from the mall. We talked with him and his friend and Paul asked them how this cruise compared to the last. The friend of TAB (who Beth described as a nineteen year-old who already looks like the middle-aged accountant he will one day become) said that this cruise had a “better supply of honies.” The conversation ended soon after.


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